[Freeswitch-users] bypass_media problem

Steven Ayre steveayre at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 23:49:53 MSD 2011

Ok. Have you tried reproducing it on the latest Git?


On 16 June 2011 20:43, David Villasmil <david.villasmil.work at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello Steve,
> my version is:
> freeswitch at> version
> FreeSWITCH Version 1.0.head (git-7e52acf 2011-03-28 22-18-47 -0500)
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Steven Ayre <steveayre at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can't see the reason immediately... the channel appears to be hanging up
>> because it thinks the bridge is finished.
>> Can you repeat the debug log, but this time enabling FreeSWITCH's siptrace
>> option? (sofia global siptrace on).
>> Also, I this isn't doing what I think you expect:
>> session:execute("bridge","{loop=3}sofia/gateway/${distributor(" ..
>> route_name .. ")}".. out_number .."")
>> The distributor API is called just once to generate the string to give to
>> the bridge app, not on each loop. So you'll be dialing through the same
>> gateway 3 times not rerouting to another gateway.
>> Also, what FS version is this?
>> -Steve
>> On 13 June 2011 23:59, David Villasmil <david.villasmil.work at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hello Guys,
>>> I have a set where i'm receiving a call from a gw and sending to another
>>> gw. Both un-natted. If I set in my (lua) script bypass_media=false, call
>>> goes just fine, if i set it to true, FS sends "Temporary unavailable" to the
>>> B-side and CANCELs the A-side...
>>> Codec is fine as you will see in the pastebin..
>>> rou
>>> here's the trace:
>>> http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/16480
>>> and here's the console log:
>>> http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/16481
>>> I'm bridging with a lua script, this is the pertinent part:
>>> gw_sip_username and gw_sip_pwd are just bogus "1234","1234", no
>>> registration is needed....
>>>      session:execute("set","inbound-late-negotiation=true")
>>>      session:execute("set","inbound-bypass-media=false")
>>>      session:execute("set","proxy_media=false")
>>>      session:execute("set","bypass_media=false")
>>>      --session:execute("bridge","{sip_auth_username=" .. gw_sip_username
>>> .. ",sip_auth_password=" .. gw_sip_pwd .. "}sofia/external/".. out_number
>>> .."@".. gw_sip_ip .."")
>>>      fsLog("BRIDGE EXECUTE:", "{loop=3}sofia/gateway/${distributor(" ..
>>> route_name .. ")}" .. out_number .. "")
>>>      session:execute("bridge","{loop=3}sofia/gateway/${distributor(" ..
>>> route_name .. ")}".. out_number .."")
>>>      -- hangup
>>>      session:hangup();
>>> Thanks guys for your help!
>>> David
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