[Freeswitch-users] Want to play music on hold while executing a time consuming operation in Lua

David Ponzone david.ponzone at ipeva.fr
Thu Jun 16 14:41:00 MSD 2011


Generally, if noone answers, it means noone has an interesting answer or noone had the time yet to answer.
It's quite like when you ask a girl out. If she doesn't answer, it's unlikely harassing her will improve the situation ... most of the times :)

You can also try to go on irc #freeswitch.
And also, you can read the wiki.

David Ponzone  Direction Technique
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Le 16/06/2011 à 06:53, Sidharth Kshatriya a écrit :

> I am implementing an IVR using Lua in Freeswitch. In my Lua script I use curl to a web service. Sometimes the response takes a long time to come back. During that time period I would like to play music on hold.
> I have searched the freeswitch discussion archives a lot. There seem to be many suggested ways to implement music on hold from a Lua script but the answers are not very clear / not really applicable to my use case. I don't know what method I should use and which one is recommended.
> Method 1: Transfer the call to 9664 (music on hold extension). However the implementation for this solution for this does not seem to be available in Lua. For example: How would I transfer the call back?
> Method 2: Using bgapi uuid_park park the call and using uuid_broadcast play an audio file. Again what do I do to unpark the call..?
> Thanks,
> Sidharth
> [P.S. This is a repost, I apologize but I never got any responses on my previous email. Need help! :-) ]
> -- 
> Sidharth Kshatriya
> www.sidk.info
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