[Freeswitch-users] session:read() not timeouting

David Ponzone david.ponzone at ipeva.fr
Sat Jun 11 16:06:07 MSD 2011


When using session:read() in a LUA script called from dialplan, the interdigit timeout works fine on my test box (with GIT from end of May, and a 1000hz timer).
On my prod box, the timeout does not trigger the end of the read app. The terminating character is the only way to end the read() normally.
The prod box is using a GIT from December 2010, and a bad timer (250Hz).

Should I suppose the issue comes from the timer or from the old version on the prod box (I am upgrading ASAP) ?


David Ponzone  Direction Technique
email: david.ponzone at ipeva.fr
tel:      01 74 03 18 97
gsm:   06 66 98 76 34

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