[Freeswitch-users] FreeTDM - destination_number empty on inbound call

Christian Benke benkokakao at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 17:50:56 MSD 2011

On 8 June 2011 20:43, Stefan Knoblich <stkn at freeswitch.org> wrote:
> Am Wednesday 08 June 2011 schrieb Christian Benke:
>> My FS is connected to a plain BRI-line via a HFC-S PCI-card. On
>> inbound calls i don't receive a dialed number. Please see the debug at
>> http://pastebin.freeswitch.org/16456 for details.
>> Do i have to fetch the DID from a variable before i can handle the
>> call or is there some other problem, which i assume?
> That SETUP message at the top isn't valid, AFAIK.
> There are two 'Calling Number' IEs (0x6c) and the second
> one should have been a 'Called Number' IE (0x70) instead
> ('190341' is the number you dialed, right?).

No, that's actually fine - the first number is user-provided("user
number not screened") as it is a "location independent corporate
number", the second one is the "network provided" regional
number(Which i missed to obfuscate).

After talking with a colleague who is very proficient with ISDN and
testing the line with a ISDN testing device today, we came to the
conclusion that ftdm sends "CALL PROCEEDING" immediately, instead of
sending an "SETUP ACK" and waiting for additional digits. What it
comes down to, i simply didn't allow overlap-dialing.

This was easy to fix for the Sangoma card by setting the
"overlap"-parameter to "yes", as documented in

However, on my second device, which has a HFC-S based card(OpenVOX
B100P) installed, ftmod_libpri based, overlap-dialing doesn't seem to
work. The debug-logs posted above are from this card. Googling for
overlap-dialing with libpri brought up this thread from Dec 2010,
where Michael Collins says it's not supported yet:
I assume this status has not changed?

Best regards,

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