[Freeswitch-users] Questions

Steven Ayre steveayre at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 18:04:11 MSD 2011

> 2- Does FS fully supports virtual interfaces [eth0:1]? I mean:
>         2- 1 listening on several virtual interfaces,
>         2-2 replying from the virtual interface that the request came in
> instead of replying from the primary interface
>         2-3 and also we need to specify the interface to send the call out
> instead of using the primary interface

FS will bind to the IP rather than the device. That does mean it'll always
send/receive using the IP you set - is that what you're asking?


On 6 June 2011 20:16, Fabian Borot <fborot at hotmail.com> wrote:

>  Hello
> We are giving Freeswitch a try in our organization to provide H323 <-> SIP
> functionality. We have 2 main questions/requests before starting
> installing/configuring:
> 1- What would be the most recommended module for H323? I see there are two
> [opal and mod_h323] both both say that are in development stages.
> 2- Does FS fully supports virtual interfaces [eth0:1]? I mean:
>         2- 1 listening on several virtual interfaces,
>         2-2 replying from the virtual interface that the request came in
> instead of replying from the primary interface
>         2-3 and also we need to specify the interface to send the call out
> instead of using the primary interface
> Thank you
> Fabian
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