[Freeswitch-users] cancel a non answered bridge

Mitesh Thakkar mail.mthakkar at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 14:32:59 MSD 2011

Hello all,

I am facing the similar kind of issue. My flow is as below.
1. doing bridge to route 1.
2. on fail i need some work to be done.
3. doing bridge to route 2.

So, in above (1.) is being timeout with progress_timeout., and process
further and does bridge to route 2. It sends INVITE to route 2 but it is not
CANCELing to route 1 and keeps sending INVITEs.

Basically, it should not send INVITE once skipped. Kindly guide me how can I
achieve it.

Mitesh Thakkar

> the situation :
> Aleg call external gateway
> in dialplan I set on the fly the nibble_rate (nibble_account is already set)
> and just after make a bridge to the gateway.
> so nibblebill tries to ask DB if cahs is ok (so it takes a little time) but in the mean
> time the bridge is created and Bleg is ringing.
> nibblebill realize that cash is below the amount allowed and redirect to nofunds extension.
> I'd like to avoid the Bleg ringing by kill the bridge (but not hanup Aleg) once the nofunds extension is reached.
> Thanks
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: David Ponzone
>   To: FreeSWITCH Users Help
>   Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 12:27 PM
>   Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] cancel a non answered bridge
>   Sorry, I fail to get the question...
>   Perhaps we need more details like: where do you want to do that ? from XML dialplan ? from script ?
>   From API, you can uuid_kill.
>   From XML, I am not sure I see what that would mean...perhaps you need to define a timeout, so that the bridge attempt ends after X seconds ?
>   David Ponzone  Direction Technique
>   email: david.ponzone at ipeva.fr <http://lists.freeswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/freeswitch-users>
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>   Le 28/01/2011 à 18:14, Madovsky a écrit :
>     Sorry I forgot
>     without to hangup ?
>       ----- Original Message -----
>       From: Madovsky
>       To: freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org <http://lists.freeswitch.org/mailman/listinfo/freeswitch-users>
>       Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 12:13 PM
>       Subject: cancel a non answered bridge
>       How to cancel ok kil a non answered bridge ?
>       Thanks
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