[Freeswitch-users] change sounds file format of voicemail

Kris kris at livecall.com
Fri Jul 1 23:59:33 MSD 2011

There are a lot of Dialogics out there and I just needed compativility with 
it's 8 bit wav and 4bit vox and I will submit it to the GIT so others who 
need that compatibility can use it. When I first started with 2 phone lines, 
I had a 286 with 40mb disk. When you have a few thousand files you can copy, 
convert and not worry about it. When you have a million, not so fast... I 
want to have both Dialogic and FS running side by side and sharing messages. 
I am just not a fan of converting gigabytes of files, then find that I am up 
the creek without a paddle-something goes wrong..I wanted to rewrite my 
program in a modern language like C#, instead of continuing with ancient 
C,that  I started with 20 years ago. 16 bit wav, do sound better at 4x the 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Underwood" <steveu at coppice.org>
To: <freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org>
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] change sounds file format of voicemail

> On 06/30/2011 03:05 AM, Kris wrote:
>> I am doing testing and I am about to submit changes to the GIT to allow
>> 8000x8 bit wav and 8000x4bit vox recording. What formats would you like 
>> to
> 8000x8 bit is a really stupid choice. A-law or u-law would do a far better 
> job, despite being lossy codecs. The dynamic range of 8 bit line audio 
> just isn't enough for speech. 8000x4bit vox made sense in the 90s, because 
> Dialogic used it, and they were big in IVRs. It seems a very obsolete 
> choice these days.
> Steve

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