[Freeswitch-users] How exactly execute_extension work?

Boris Kovalenko boris at tagnet.ru
Tue Jan 25 17:42:00 MSK 2011


     From one of my extension I call another extension in another 
context. I suppose that exactly this extension should be executed, but 
instead I get all previous extension executed to. So below is my 
configuration. We are calling start_hunting in context tagnet.ru. I 
suppose start_hunting extension should be executed but no, hunting 
begins from the start of context and all extensions before start_hunting 
are executed too. auto_hunt=true solves the problem. So the question is 
- is this normal behaviour of execute_extension or am I doing something 

<!-- We are hunting only for TAGNet numbering plan -->
<extension name="ext_hunting">
<condition field="${v_tagnet_dst}" 
<action application="javascript" data="$${scripts_dir}/toll_check.js 
${toll_allow} local"/>
<action application="set" data="v_tagnet_hunting=true" inline="true"/>
<action application="log" data="NOTICE [top.ctx] - hunting in tagnet.ru"/>
<action application="log" data="NOTICE ${v_tagnet_dst} $1"/>
<action application="execute_extension" data="start_hunting XML tagnet.ru"/>

Context tagnet.ru:
     This context is for home networking soft phones and cheap telephony.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<context name="tagnet.ru">
<extension name="unloop">
<condition field="${unroll_loops}" expression="^true$"/>
<condition field="${sip_looped_call}" expression="^true$">
<action application="deflect" data="${destination_number}"/>

             Destination number normalization
<extension name="ext_translate_dst" continue="true">
<!-- <condition field="${v_tagnet_hunting}" expression="^true$" 
break="on-true"/> -->
<condition field="${destination_number}" expression="^(1[0-9]{3})$" 
<action application="set" data="v_tagnet_dst=$1" inline="true"/>
<condition field="${destination_number}" expression="^(\d+)$" 
<action application="set" data="v_tagnet_dst=$1" inline="true"/>
<action application="execute_extension" data="ext_translate_dst XML 

             Source number normalization
<extension name="ext_translate_src" continue="true">
<condition field="${caller_id_number}" expression="^2([0-9]{4})$" 
<action application="set" data="caller_id_number=7343549$1" inline="true"/>
<action application="set" data="ani=7343549$1" inline="true"/>

<!-- Here we start hunting process -->
<extension name="start_hunting" continue="true">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^start_hunting$"/>

                 You can place files in the default directory to get 
<X-PRE-PROCESS cmd="include" data="tagnet.ru/*.xml"/>

<!-- Here we stop hunting process -->
<extension name="stop_hunting">
<condition field="${v_tagnet_hunting}" expression="true"/>

             Transfer call to the TOP context
<extension name="top.ctx">
<condition field="${v_tagnet_dst}" expression="^(\d+)$">
<action application="log" data="DEBUG [top.ctx] - transfer to top.ctx"/>

<!-- Caller ID normalization -->
<action application="execute_extension" data="ext_translate_src XML 

<action application="transfer" data="$1 XML top.ctx"/>

С уважением,
   Борис Коваленко
   ЗАО "Тагнет"
   (3435) 494991

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