[Freeswitch-users] does streamFile callback provide file position?

peter at uringme.com peter at uringme.com
Tue Dec 27 00:13:24 MSK 2011

I'm looking at the examples for mod_spidermonkey where streamFile can be
 interrupted by a DTMF.  There's dtmfcallback.js 
(http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Examples_dtmfcallback.js) and the 
Session_streamFile doc itself (http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Session_streamFile)

They both use the third argument to the callback to get digits.digit or 
.duration, which I'm assuming is the length that the DTMF was pressed.  
But, do the third or fourth arguments also include the position within 
the file?  I'm looking for a way to save the location in a voice prompt 
where a person pressed the DTMF -- either in seconds or samples or bytes
 from the beginning of the file.

Also, for my own knowledge, is there a doc somewhere that explains all 
the possibile members of the third and fourth arguments (usually data 
and arg) in the callback from streamFile?  

Thank you.
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