[Freeswitch-users] Outbound calling with recorded message.

Tim St. Pierre fs-list at communicatefreely.net
Fri Dec 9 01:30:49 MSK 2011

Do what MC says below, and use xml_cdr to call your PHP script and 
update the database.

When xml_cdr posts, it gives you pretty much every variable there is, so 
you could take a look at the number dialed, the duration of the call, 
and the disposition fields and do a database update to mark that 
registrant as "contacted" or not.

You could even do something fancier with an IVR.  All each IVR branch 
would do would be to set a unique variable, like "liked_the_food=true".  
When the call hangs up, all these variables will be available in the CDR 
record, and can be associated with that participant.


Dave wrote:
> Thank you very much for the reply.
> Good point about the calls not reaching the target. In thinking about 
> it it might be better to send a text or email to them.
> I do want to learn about the event socket though, so I'll study up on 
> that. After I sent the question I noticed the freeSWITCH book has a 
> chapter on that and there's a lot online about it.
> I really appreciate the help everyone provides.
> Dave
>     ----- Original Message -----
>     *From:* Michael Collins <mailto:msc at freeswitch.org>
>     *To:* FreeSWITCH Users Help
>     <mailto:freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org>
>     *Sent:* Wednesday, September 28, 2011 7:18 PM
>     *Subject:* Re: [Freeswitch-users] Outbound calling with recorded
>     message.
>     Once you have the calls logged into a database then it is a
>     relatively simple matter to generate the outbound calls using the
>     event socket. The real challenge (IMHO) is accounting for the
>     outbound calls that don't actually reach the target, or that go to
>     the target's voicemail, etc. 
>     For the sake of simplicity, let's assume that each person you call
>     will answer. From there you just need a simple dialplan extension
>     that does a record app with a specific filename. (You need to
>     match up the filename recorded with the person you called. You
>     could use <phone_num>.wav I suppose.) From there it's a matter of
>     launching the calls. I don't do much with Windows but there are
>     plenty of folks here who do. If you can establish an event socket
>     connection then you can execute a bunch of "originate" API calls
>     to generate your outbound calls.
>     Let's say your dialplan extension for recording the name is this:
>     <extension name="get their name">
>       <condition field="destination_number"
>     expression="^OB_IVR_Record_Name_(\d+)$">
>         <action application="answer"/>
>         <action application="sleep" data="1000"/>
>         <action application="playback"
>     data="please_record_your_name.wav"/>
>         <action application="playback"
>     data="tone_stream://%(1000,0,1500)"/>
>         <action application="record" data="/tmp/$1.wav 25 200"/>
>       </condition>
>     </extension>
>     You can generate a call with this API:
>     originate sofia/gw/gwname/18005551212 OB_IVR_Record_Name_8005551212
>     If it works then you'll end up with /tmp/8005551212.wav and
>     hopefully they'll have given you the info you need. 
>     As for generating these calls, if you don't need something too
>     fancy you could just use a program written in the scripting
>     language of your choice. (Perl, Python, Ruby, and PHP are all
>     suitable for this task.) You could also write "real" program with
>     Visual Studio if that suits you. The key is that you will need to
>     keep track of what happens when you make all these calls and be
>     sure not to keep calling them over and over again. :)
>     I've done this sort of thing with just Perl scripts and it works
>     really well. 
>     -MC
>     On Wed, Sep 28, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Dave <dave at clancysystems.com
>     <mailto:dave at clancysystems.com>> wrote:
>         Hi all,
>         I have been using freeSWITCH for a while for inbound calls in
>         which a person registers for a seminar via IVR.  I simply use
>         the DID, CID number and name to identify the person and put
>         them in the Database. That part of the application is working
>         wonderfully.
>         The issue I'm presented with now is that we need automate
>         making calls to a few of these registrants, after each event,
>         whos caller_id_name comes in as "Unknown" or "Wireless
>         Caller", Play a recording to let them know we need the name,
>         and that they can record the information right then, or call
>         the office.
>         I am limited to using a Windows 7 machine.
>         What would be the best tool to use to automate these calls
>         with the use of an IVR?
>         Dave Goodwin
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