[Freeswitch-users] how to pass arbitrary headers from A leg to B leg when bridging

David Ponzone david.ponzone at ipeva.fr
Tue Apr 26 13:48:05 MSD 2011

Wouldn't it be simpler to first deal with auth, and to put your transcoding FS after that in your network path ?

David Ponzone  Direction Technique
email: david.ponzone at ipeva.fr
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gsm:   06 66 98 76 34

Service Client IPeva
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Le 12/04/2011 à 18:49, Dave Horton a écrit :

> So I'm guessing this isn't possible without hacking the source code, which I've already done to solve my problem for now.
> But I'd like to make sure there isn't a better way of doing things, and thus I'd like to revise and restate my question for clarity.  First, though, let me describe what I am doing, because I think it's a not-uncommon scenario that I think would be something that others may want to do.  I basically want to use FS as a simple transcoding server between two endpoints, call them A and B.  Calls coming in from A will be using speex codec and I want to send them out to B using PCMU; calls coming in from B will be PCMU and I want to send them to A using speex.  The FS server will be a B2BUA and will be doing transcoding only -- no authentication (and no registration).  Simple, right?  The only fly in the ointment is that A is authenticating calls with B by providing a Proxy-Authorization header.  So I need to take the Proxy-Authorization header received on the A leg and include it on the B leg.
> So far, the only way I have found to do that is to hack the code to create a new channel variable.  I've done this, and it works.  However, this leads me to the following questions
> 1) Is there a better way to do this?  If there is no way to do it as a dialplan out of the box, can it be done as a script?
> 2) sofia has parsed all of the sip headers on the incoming invite for us, and they're all available from mod_sofia.  Shouldn't those all be available to us (i.e., application developers) by some means (i.e., channel variables)?
> Dave
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