[Freeswitch-users] No Dial Tone ... Zaptel + FreeSwitch + TDM400P

Pablo Silva psilvao at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 16:56:12 MSD 2011


   I've tryed for severals hours to make a phone call from freeswitch
server, using TDM400P.

   I don't know why i can't hear the dial tone, and it's impossible
make a phone call.., i read freeswitch wiki page
about TDM400P configuration, as you can see that's my configuration an log


  if I focus on information from the log, you can see that loads
openzap, the server recognizes the TDM400P card, the call is routed to
the PSTN but no concrete achievements.

When you call, I hear the tone, not the dialing, I guess I'm near the
solution to my problem, I request your cooperation.

In advance, thanks.

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