[Freeswitch-users] CallsIN counter on gateway

Leon de Rooij leon at scarlet-internet.nl
Wed Apr 20 14:59:55 MSD 2011

Hi all,

I have a gateway that sends me invites with the callerid in the from: header and the destination number in the to: header. I'd like these inbound invites to be matched to the proper gateway (that is used for outbound calls) so that I can use params of the gateway like context, but also so the CallsIN counter gets increased for each inbound call.

Is this at all possible ? From what I understand from sofia.c, the gateway->ib_calls is only increased when an incoming request contains a gw= param or when destination_number is prefixed by gw+, or is there another way ?

thanks & kind regards,

Leon de Rooij

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