[Freeswitch-users] Application redirect

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Fri Apr 1 13:43:15 MSD 2011

2011/4/1 Pablo Hernan Saro <pablosaro at gmail.com>:
> As far as I understood from the documentation, when action application
> redirect is invoked, the REFER method is implemented. Recently I signed up
> for a VoIP service and realized that the provider only supports redirection
> by implementing the UPDATE method. I want to redirect incoming calls
> requesting specific DIDs to other FS box in a different network (not behind
> the FS receiving the original INVITE). Perform the redirection by answering
> the call and bridging it to the other FS box will result in resource wasting
> and probably call quality degradation (and actually it will be transfer not
> redirect). So, is there any way to use UPDATE instead of REFER to accomplish
> redirection for requests received through specific gateway?

UPDATE for a redirection? that's not possible, UPDATE is just use to
allow modifyng an SDP during an early-dialog (but also works for
establixhed dialogs similar to a re-INVITE).

Usually SIP providers don't allow neither receiving a 302 from a
client (to make a redirection) or a REFER, they are SIP trunk
providers, not a PBX. Is your responsability to handle redirections in
your platfform so the provider gets not involved at all.

A good solution could be setting a SIP proxy (i.e. Kamailio) between
the provider and your FS boxes so it can route incoming calls to the
appropriate FS (or based on load-balancing/failover fashion) and could
also receive a 302 from the first selected FS and convert it into a
new INVITE for the second FS.

Don't disturb a SIP trunk provider with your internal logic stuff, never.

Iñaki Baz Castillo
<ibc at aliax.net>

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