[Freeswitch-users] Why FS rewrites From header?

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Fri Apr 1 04:24:03 MSD 2011

2011/4/1 Iñaki Baz Castillo <ibc at aliax.net>:
> A B2BUA could handle different domains (local domains). It's common in
> a multidomain IP environment. Doesn't FS allow it?
> A SIP user is identified by a complete AoR (user and domain, like in
> mail world), does FS assume that just the username part is the
> identifier so alice at domainA.org is the same as alice at domainB.org for
> FS?

In my case I've a SIP proxy that manages different local domains, and
I plan to put some FS boxes behind it to offer PBX services. But for
that I need that FS understands that alice at domainA.org is a different
user than alice at domainB.org, and when it routes back a call to the SIP
proxy/registrar it must keep the original From URI (also the domain).

This is:

  alice at domainA.org  ----> Proxy/Registrar -----> FS  ----> same
Proxy/Registrar ----> alice at domainB.org

When alice at domainB.org receives the call, she must see
alice at domainA.org in the From header.

Does FS allow it?

Iñaki Baz Castillo
<ibc at aliax.net>

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