[Freeswitch-users] openvox PRI card for freeswitch
David Ponzone
david.ponzone at gmail.com
Fri May 14 06:26:31 PDT 2010
Well, the DE210E is 999$ which is significantly more expensive than
the Sandoma A101DE, except if I can expect a 40% discount on OpenVox
But thanks for the idea anyway, I'll check this out.
David Ponzone Direction Technique
email: david.ponzone at ipeva.fr
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Le 14/05/2010 à 15:08, Krzysztof Drewicz a écrit :
> 2010/5/14 David Ponzone <david.ponzone at gmail.com>:
>> 4 ports is not an option as my goal is to find a cheaper
>> alternative to the
>> Sangoma A101D/DE so I can build a reliable but cheap 1PRI/SIP
>> gateway.
>> It seems in the end, Sangoma has no alternative.
> Use open vox with 2 port, it's cheap.
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