[Freeswitch-users] Dial number at registered extension

Spencer Thomason spencer at 5ninesolutions.com
Sun Mar 14 13:13:16 PDT 2010

Hello all,
Is there a way I can dial at number at a registered extension.   
Basically what I'd like to do is use Freeswitch as a SBC for a number  
of asterisk machines and I'd like to pass an incoming sip invite to a  
specific number at each one.  Right now I'm specifying the IP in the  
bridge command like this sofia/default/NNNNNNNNNNN at xx.xx.xx.xx but if  
I dial the registered user directly it dials the contact address at  
the registered user and does not pass the inbound number.  Basically  
what I'm trying to do is this:

pstn -> ITSP -> freeswitch -> asterisk (1-n)


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