[Freeswitch-users] Having some trouble recording calls.

Mark Sobkow m.sobkow at marketelsystems.com
Sun Mar 7 14:10:10 PST 2010

Mark Sobkow wrote:
> I'm using the uuid_record command to tell Freeswitch to record a call.
>    RecordResult = pbx:api( uuid_record, 
> Operator#pbx_operator_registry.operator_uuid ++ " start " ++ 
> FullFileName ),
> After the customer hangs up, I tell it to stop recording:
>    StopRecordResult = pbx:api( uuid_record, 
> Operator#pbx_operator_registry.operator_uuid ++ " stop " ++ 
> FullFileName ),
> However, I get an error "-ERR Cannot stop record session!".  Any 
> subsequent attempts to start a new recording file also fail.
> What am I doing wrong?
Actually the logs show a bit more.

The first time I try to record a session, I get an ok message.  When I 
stop that recording, it tells me ok as well.

But on every subsequent attempt to record part of the session, I'm 
getting errors.  It's as if Freeswitch will only allow you to record 
once for an operator session.

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