[Freeswitch-users] Attrafax

David Knell dave at 3c.co.uk
Mon Mar 8 17:20:03 PST 2010

Hi Tod,

You might be right in certain circumstances, but, in wholesale telecoms, it's pretty easy to get a good idea of where rates for particular destinations are.  Find a collection of ratecards by typing 'wholesale sip termination' into Google and it quickly becomes pretty obvious what's competitive and what isn't.  NDAs are completely superfluous, especially considering that so much buying is done on price.  If I've not got a good reason to want to terminate traffic through you (i.e. you're not AT&T or Verizon or the like), then I'm unlikely to want to go to the trouble of signing an NDA just to see how much your product costs.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tod Hansmann 
  To: freeswitch-users at lists.freeswitch.org 
  Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 8:30 PM
  Subject: Re: [Freeswitch-users] Attrafax

  There exists a large number of companies that make large profits largely because they sell based on what they think the customer will pay.  NDAs keep customers from comparing prices, and competitors from competing on price.  This has been a pretty common telecom practice, though not NDA specifically.  This is why the "let me see a copy of your phone bill" line is so ill-advised to be substantiated when talking to a new provider.  If you give them your phone bill, they know exactly where the bar must be set to win.

  -Tod Hansmann

  On 3/8/2010 4:05 PM, Brian West wrote: 
    Why on earth do you need an NDA for prices or any info a provider can send you... sounds pretty lame to me... 


    On Mar 8, 2010, at 5:01 PM, David Knell wrote:

      And don't forget the propensity of (wholesale) VoIP providers to require an NDA to be faxed (or, if you're lucky, scanned and e-mailed) before discussing pricing.

      Without wishing to digress further, I find this utterly absurd, and I've yet to find a satisfactory explanation of why it should be.


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