[Freeswitch-users] Attrafax

Anthony Minessale anthony.minessale at gmail.com
Mon Mar 8 15:57:25 PST 2010

All these threads seem to go off on on tangents, seems at least a lot of
people are reading it so.....

This thread brought to you by ClueCon MMX!
register today http://www.cluecon.com

Hey, it was worth a shot, maybe we can do a presentation on t38 in FS (if we
ever get the time to finish it).

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 5:30 PM, Tod Hansmann <freeswitch.org at todandlorna.com
> wrote:

>  There exists a large number of companies that make large profits largely
> because they sell based on what they think the customer will pay.  NDAs keep
> customers from comparing prices, and competitors from competing on price.
> This has been a pretty common telecom practice, though not NDA
> specifically.  This is why the "let me see a copy of your phone bill" line
> is so ill-advised to be substantiated when talking to a new provider.  If
> you give them your phone bill, they know exactly where the bar must be set
> to win.
> -Tod Hansmann
> On 3/8/2010 4:05 PM, Brian West wrote:
> Why on earth do you need an NDA for prices or any info a provider can send
> you... sounds pretty lame to me...
>  /b
>  On Mar 8, 2010, at 5:01 PM, David Knell wrote:
>  And don't forget the propensity of (wholesale) VoIP providers to require
> an NDA to be faxed (or, if you're lucky, scanned and e-mailed) before
> discussing pricing.
> Without wishing to digress further, I find this utterly absurd, and I've
> yet to find a satisfactory explanation of why it should be.
> --Dave
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Anthony Minessale II

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