[Freeswitch-users] Issue with delayed hangup when originating from JS

Sias Mey sias at cpdata.co.za
Tue Jul 27 09:03:18 PDT 2010

Hi Anthony,

>    1) Pass one session as the constructor to another
>    session2 = new Session("sofia/internal/[1]foo at bar.com", session);
>    This will make the originate stop of session hangs up and pass other
>    critical caller info to session2.
This one might do exactly what Im looking for, I dont know if I missed
it in the documentation but I really didnt know this was possible.

>    2) don't create session2 just use the bridge app
>    This is the same effect with less sessions to worry about.
>    session:execute("bridge", "sofia/internal/[2]foo at bar.com");
I could have sworn I did basically try this.... but Ill give it another
try sometime.

>    3) use mod_fifo that already does agent ACD
Im working on a more click to dial type setup with no queueing on either
side, but I have used mod_fifo to great effect in some other spots.

Thank you very much for the sugestions.

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