[Freeswitch-users] FS HA-cluster

viewpoint yurazilot1 at list.ru
Thu Jul 8 03:11:35 PDT 2010


I currently have a project where I'm researching how to establish a clustered platform wieth failover time ~= some milliseconds.

At present we have: 2 identical servers FS, wieth established Pacemaker (http://www.clusterlabs.org/wiki/Install#From_Source) - heartbeat. 
On the one hand it is possible to tell that all works, as, at refusal of the first server, the second server receives cluster-ip. A problem that FreeSWITCH it is necessary to restart (or simply to start) that it began to work with the new IP-address. As the result, a switching total time makes 10-20 sec which basic part is necessary on launch FreeSwitch. 

any ideas?


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