[Freeswitch-users] 409 Conflict When registering FS with Softswitch

RR ranjtech at gmail.com
Wed Jan 27 23:11:29 PST 2010



I have a probably a simple problem but I have no idea why it's occurring. I
am beyond novice/new to configuring FS and as my first try, tried to
configure it to register with our softswitch so I could have the basic
registration to happen between FS and it. However, I keep getting the "409
Conflict" message when that username is not actually registered with the
softswitch. The profile / config file under sip_profiles/external is
configured like so



  <gateway name="Test-Inbound">

  <param name="username" value="user1"/>-->

  <param name="password" value="user1pwd"/>-->

  <param name="realm" value="mysoftswitch.net.au"/>-->

  <param name="extension" value="1000"/>

  <param name="from-user" value="user1"/>-->

  <param name="expire-seconds" value="60"/>-->

  <param name="register" value="true"/>-->




Any ideas why? And how to resolve it or what kind of traces I can send to
you guys to help me resolve it? Like I said I am so new to FS that I don't
even know what I can turn on in FS to see what's going on


Thanks a lot



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