[Freeswitch-users] How to control call volume?

Nicolas Brenner nicolas at medularis.com
Sun Jan 3 22:45:20 PST 2010

Hi, is there a way of controlling the volume of a call? I'm bridging
calls with a JS script. Sometimes the people getting the calls
complain the volume is too low. I've recorded a few of the calls and
most of the times, while playing the recorded wav files, the volume of
LegB (second leg of the bridge) is pretty hard to hear, even with the
computer and player volume to the max (ok, it's a laptop, but even
with headphones). I saw there are some volume control options for
conferences, but I couldn't find anything for regular "originate
calls" or bridges. I am doing transcoding, so that might help (?).

Thank you very much for your help.



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