[Freeswitch-users] database disk image is malformed ISSUE

Michael Jerris mike at jerris.com
Mon Jan 18 03:28:04 PST 2010

sqlite doesn't scale.  If you want to do anything serious, use odbc and a real database instead.


On Jan 18, 2010, at 6:00 AM, Nikolai Geordzhev wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> I have an issue playing with FS as a registrar server. I have made some tests with 3000 subscribers registering every 600 seconds running for days and everything went fine. 
> Then I have tried with 6000 subscribers registering every 3600 seconds and after some time ( between 1 and 2 days) I received  [ERR] switch_core_sqldb.c:662 SQL ERR [database disk image is malformed] message in the freeswitch.log file. The only solution I have found is deleting the db folder ( mounted in tmpfs) and restarting the application.
> When I measure the packets/sec rates of both setups i see 13 pack/s for the first setup and 7 pack/s for the second one. Can somebody advise what can cause this Error and if there is some kind of a solution. 

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