[Freeswitch-users] No reINVITE when bridging two sessions from JavaScript with bypass_media_after_bridge=true

Тимур Валишев tim at novion.ru
Thu Feb 4 22:20:41 PST 2010

Dear colleagues,

The task is to start two sessions from JS script and then bridge them
in no-media mode. Unfirtunately, FreeSwitch does not reINVITE the
peers after bridging.

Here is my script:

SCRIPT #1 - 'callback-session.js' <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
session = new Session("{bypass_media_after_bridge=true,ignore_early_media=true,hangup_after_bridge=true}user/1001");
session2 = new Session("{ignore_early_media=true}user/1001");
bridge(session, session2);

Then I run this script from the freeswitch console:

freeswitch at internal> jsrun callback-session.js

And there is no re-invites between peers, peers get connected and the
traffic goes through FS. Is there something I do wrong in the script?
What should I do to
make FS reINVITE peers? Many thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Timur Valishev

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