[Freeswitch-users] mod_lcr problem
Mouncif Benniane
mouncifbb at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 12:25:57 PST 2010
So I have to alter my LCR table to look like:
NPANXX,"LATA","OCN","NTER","INTRA" 1201007,"224","7229","0.0059","0.0127"
instead of:
NPANXX,"LATA","OCN","NTER","INTRA" 201007,"224","7229","0.0059","0.0127"
On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 6:07 PM, Rupa Schomaker <rupa at rupa.com> wrote:
> Yes, you need to normalize the values passed to lcr. Otherwise, how could
> it work?
> You can normalize the CID by matching and adding a 1 for 10 digit #s, or
> removing the leading + or other things you might need then setting it back
> to the profile using the set_profile_var app (
> http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Misc._Dialplan_Tools_set_profile_var).
> (mod_cidlookup will set it after doing a #->name/area lookup - but for now
> you can set it yourself)
> You can normalize the DID by doing similar matching rules as above and then
> transfering to that normalized DID for the rest of your call plan
> processing.
> I'm pretty sure mod_cidlookup has an example of normalizing... yeah:
> http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_cidlookup#Dialplan_Application
> On Sun, Jan 31, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Mouncifbb <mouncifbb at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So the CID must have 1 at front also? Usually people
>> Send only npa and nxx ex 6176427788 7817612233
>> Do I need to alter it?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jan 31, 2010, at 8:32 AM, Rupa Schomaker <rupa at rupa.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 10:57 PM, Mouncif Benniane <<mouncifbb at gmail.com>
>> mouncifbb at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> OK going back to use default profile to keep things simple below 2
>>> results
>>> Using:
>>> lcr 16179470890 default 19785223241 ( this one consult
>>> npa_nxx_company_ocn)
>>> lcr 6179470890 default 9785223241 ( this one don't!! )
>> Oh, right! mod_lcr really expects you to normalize your prefix to e164
>> format. I thought there was discussion about this in the wiki, but maybe
>> not. For simple prefix matching it doesn't matter, but for things that make
>> decisions based on the # (like the lata/state stuff) it does.
>> npanxx lookup only makes sense for NANPA numbers. NANPA numbers have a
>> country code of "1" and a total length of 11 (including the 1).
>> This is the only rational way to do it when you have a rate table with
>> both domestic (NANPA) and international prefixes.
>>> freeswitch> lcr 16179470890 default 19785223241
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.681842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:1329 data passed to lcr is
>>> [16179470890 default 19785223241]
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.681842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:1365 Set Caller ID to
>>> [19785223241]
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.681842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:736 SQL: SELECT 'state',
>>> count(DISTINCT state) FROM npa_nxx_company_ocn WHERE (npa=617 AND nxx=947)
>>> OR (npa=978 AND nxx=522) UNION SELECT 'lata', count(DISTINCT lata) FROM
>>> npa_nxx_company_ocn WHERE (npa=617 AND nxx=947) OR (npa=978 AND nxx=522)
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.910842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:696 Type: state, Count: 1
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.910842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:696 Type: lata, Count: 1
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.910842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:786 intra routing [state:1
>>> lata:1] so rate field is [intralata_rate]
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.910842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:802 we have an event
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.910842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:826 SQL: SELECT l.digits,
>>> c.carrier_name, l.intralata_rate, cg.prefix AS gw_prefix, cg.suffix AS
>>> gw_suffix, l.lead_strip, l.trail_strip, l.prefix, l.suffix , cg.codec ,
>>> l.cid FROM lcr l JOIN carriers c ON l.carrier_id=c.id JOIN
>>> carrier_gateway cg ON c.id=cg.carrier_id WHERE c.enabled = '1' AND
>>> cg.enabled = '1' AND l.enabled = '1' AND digits IN (16179470890, 1617947089,
>>> 161794708, 16179470, 1617947, 161794, 16179, 1617, 161, 16, 1) AND
>>> CURRENT_TIMESTAMP BETWEEN date_start AND date_end ORDER BY digits DESC,
>>> intralata_rate, rand();
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.910842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:307 Returning Dialstring
>>> [lcr_carrier=carrier1,lcr_rate=0.00000]sofia/gateway/carrier1/16179470890
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.910842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:615 Adding carrier1 to head
>>> of list
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.910842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:307 Returning Dialstring
>>> [lcr_carrier=carrier2,lcr_rate=0.00000]sofia/external/
>>> 06179470890 at proxy.carrier2.net:5060
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.910842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:667 adding carrier2 to end
>>> of list after carrier1
>>> | Digit Match | Carrier | Rate | Codec | CID Regexp |
>>> Dialstring
>>> |
>>> | 1 | carrier1 | 0.00000 | | |
>>> [lcr_carrier=carrier1,lcr_rate=0.00000]sofia/gateway/carrier1/16179470890
>>> |
>>> | 1 | carrier2 | 0.00000 | | |
>>> [lcr_carrier=carrier2,lcr_rate=0.00000]sofia/external/
>>> 06179470890 at proxy.carrier2.net:5060 |
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.910842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:307 Returning Dialstring
>>> [lcr_carrier=carrier1,lcr_rate=0.00000]sofia/gateway/carrier1/16179470890
>>> 2010-01-30 23:53:34.910842 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:307 Returning Dialstring
>>> [lcr_carrier=carrier2,lcr_rate=0.00000]sofia/external/
>>> 06179470890 at proxy.carrier2.net:5060
>>> freeswitch> lcr 6179470890 default 9785223241
>>> 2010-01-30 23:52:58.782633 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:1329 data passed to lcr is
>>> [6179470890 default 9785223241]
>>> 2010-01-30 23:52:58.782633 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:1365 Set Caller ID to
>>> [9785223241]
>>> 2010-01-30 23:52:58.782633 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:786 intra routing [state:0
>>> lata:0] so rate field is [rate]
>>> 2010-01-30 23:52:58.782633 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:802 we have an event
>>> 2010-01-30 23:52:58.782633 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:826 SQL: SELECT l.digits,
>>> c.carrier_name, l.rate, cg.prefix AS gw_prefix, cg.suffix AS gw_suffix,
>>> l.lead_strip, l.trail_strip, l.prefix, l.suffix , cg.codec , l.cid FROM lcr
>>> l JOIN carriers c ON l.carrier_id=c.id JOIN carrier_gateway cg ON c.id=cg.carrier_id
>>> WHERE c.enabled = '1' AND cg.enabled = '1' AND l.enabled = '1' AND digits IN
>>> (6179470890, 617947089, 61794708, 6179470, 617947, 61794, 6179, 617, 61, 6)
>>> rate, rand();
>>> 2010-01-30 23:52:58.782633 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:307 Returning Dialstring
>>> [lcr_carrier=carrier1,lcr_rate=0.09000]sofia/gateway/carrier1/16179470890
>>> 2010-01-30 23:52:58.782633 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:615 Adding carrier1 to head
>>> of list
>>> 2010-01-30 23:52:58.782633 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:307 Returning Dialstring
>>> [lcr_carrier=carrier1,lcr_rate=0.09000]sofia/gateway/carrier1/16179470890
>>> | Digit Match | Carrier | Rate | Codec | CID Regexp |
>>> Dialstring |
>>> | 617947 | carrier1 | 0.09000 | | |
>>> [lcr_carrier=carrier1,lcr_rate=0.09000]sofia/gateway/carrier1/16179470890 |
>>> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 7:45 PM, Rupa Schomaker < <rupa at rupa.com>
>>> rupa at rupa.com> wrote:
>>>> turn up logging to debug again, and then reload mod_lcr. It'll spit out
>>>> a bunch of crap when it tests out each profile you have defined. Give me
>>>> the full log (here or in <http://pastebin.freeswitch.org>
>>>> pastebin.freeswitch.org). That may show more useful info as to why
>>>> things are mucked up?
>>>> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 6:23 PM, Mouncif Benniane <<mouncifbb at gmail.com>
>>>> mouncifbb at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> yes I use NANPA_STD profile instead of default cause I thought the
>>>>> custom profile was causing issues, but looks like it's returning same
>>>>> results.
>>>>> There is this line in thw wiki:
>>>>> intra lata/state selection is done manually by setting the channel
>>>>> variables *intrastate* or *intralata* to the value *true*.
>>>>> do I have to set these ? if yes how?
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 6:59 PM, Rupa Schomaker < <rupa at rupa.com>
>>>>> rupa at rupa.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Stuff inline.
>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Mouncif Benniane <<mouncifbb at gmail.com>
>>>>>> mouncifbb at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> 201007,"224","7229","0.0059","0.0127"
>>>>>>> 201040,"224","9206","0.0036","0.0036"
>>>>>> Looks like they give you the LATA and OCN values with the prefix. We
>>>>>> (should) look that up ourselves.
>>>>>>> FreeSWITCH Version 1.0.trunk (16540)
>>>>>>> Also I noticed the *npa_nxx_ocn* table never get consulted.
>>>>>>> I also see this now when making a real call instead of running
>>>>>>> thorugh CLI
>>>>>>> EXECUTE sofia/external/6179472456 at 174.x.x.x lcr(16179470890
>>>>>>> NANPA_STD)
>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 16:28:56.685457 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:1230 *intrastate
>>>>>>> channel var is [undef]*
>>>>>> This is fine. it is a leftover from when you would tell mod_lcr via a
>>>>>> channel var that it should do intrastate. I later had mod_lcr do the lookup
>>>>>> itself, but we still honor the old var. There are no channel vars
>>>>>> associated with the cli, so you wouldn't see that msg.
>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 16:28:56.685457 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:1233 Select routes based
>>>>>>> on interstate rates
>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 16:28:56.685457 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:1252 LCR Lookup on
>>>>>>> 16179470893 using profile NANPA_STD
>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 16:28:56.685457 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:786 intra routing
>>>>>>> [state:0 lata:0] so rate field is [rate]
>>>>>>> called number 6179470890 caller ID: 6179472456
>>>>>>> any ideas??
>>>>>> Only thing that jumps out at me.
>>>>>> The output from lcr_admin show profiles showed only the default one.
>>>>>> On the dialplan you use the NANPA_STD profile. Can you check lcr_admin
>>>>>> list and see if that profile is defined and if so if it says it is using the
>>>>>> npanxx table?
>>>>>>> On Sat, Jan 30, 2010 at 10:02 AM, Rupa Schomaker < <rupa at rupa.com>
>>>>>>> rupa at rupa.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Something is still missing from the logs. Note the query of the
>>>>>>>> npanxx
>>>>>>>> table, the flags being set, and the rate field being chosen. Umm..
>>>>>>>> oh, what version of fs are you running?
>>>>>>>> Yes, the npa_nxx_ocn table needs to be loaded up as described in:
>>>>>>>> <http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_cidlookup#Falling_back_to_.22City_State.22_in_the_absense_of_a_name>
>>>>>>>> http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Mod_cidlookup#Falling_back_to_.22City_State.22_in_the_absense_of_a_name
>>>>>>>> (there is a link to that from mod_lcr's wiki page).
>>>>>>>> An example from my own setup:
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.633951 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:1384 data passed to lcr
>>>>>>>> is [12148267711 default 12148267712]
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.633951 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:1420 Set Caller ID to
>>>>>>>> [12148267712]
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.633951 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:759 SQL: SELECT
>>>>>>>> 'state',
>>>>>>>> count(DISTINCT state) FROM npa_nxx_company_ocn WHERE (npa=214 AND
>>>>>>>> nxx=826) OR (npa=214 AND nxx=826) UNION SELECT 'lata',
>>>>>>>> count(DISTINCT
>>>>>>>> lata) FROM npa_nxx_company_ocn WHERE (npa=214 AND nxx=826) OR
>>>>>>>> (npa=214
>>>>>>>> AND nxx=826)
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.633951 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:719 Type: lata, Count:
>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.633951 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:719 Type: state, Count:
>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.633951 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:809 intra routing
>>>>>>>> [state:1 lata:1] so rate field is [intralata_rate]
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.633951 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:825 we have an event
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.633951 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:849 SQL: SELECT
>>>>>>>> l.digits
>>>>>>>> AS lcr_digits, c.carrier_name AS lcr_carrier_name,
>>>>>>>> l.intralata_rate as lcr_rate_field, cg.prefix AS
>>>>>>>> lcr_gw_prefix,
>>>>>>>> cg.suffix AS lcr_gw_suffix, l.lead_strip AS lcr_lead_strip,
>>>>>>>> l.trail_strip AS lcr_trail_strip, l.prefix AS lcr_prefix,
>>>>>>>> l.suffix AS lcr_suffix, cg.codec AS lcr_codec, l.cid AS
>>>>>>>> lcr_cid, 'carriers' AS lcr_limit_realm, c.carrier_name AS
>>>>>>>> lcr_limit_id, 5 AS lcr_limit_max FROM lcr l JOIN carriers c
>>>>>>>> ON
>>>>>>>> l.carrier_id=c.id JOIN carrier_gateway cg ON c.id
>>>>>>>> =cg.carrier_id
>>>>>>>> WHERE c.enabled = '1' AND cg.enabled = '1' AND l.enabled = '1'
>>>>>>>> AND digits_prefix @> '12148267711' AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
>>>>>>>> BETWEEN
>>>>>>>> date_start AND date_end ORDER BY digits DESC, intralata_rate,
>>>>>>>> random();
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.644013 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:314 Returning
>>>>>>>> Dialstring
>>>>>>>> [lcr_carrier=grnvoip_us,lcr_rate=0.00591]sofia/gateway/grnvoip/XXXX12148267711
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.644013 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:638 Adding grnvoip_us
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> head of list
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.644013 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:314 Returning
>>>>>>>> Dialstring
>>>>>>>> [lcr_carrier=teliax,lcr_rate=0.01000]sofia/gateway/teliax_atl/12148267711
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.644013 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:660 Adding teliax to
>>>>>>>> end of list
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.644013 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:314 Returning
>>>>>>>> Dialstring
>>>>>>>> [lcr_carrier=teliax,lcr_rate=0.01000]sofia/gateway/teliax/12148267711
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.644013 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:660 Adding teliax to
>>>>>>>> end of list
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.644013 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:314 Returning
>>>>>>>> Dialstring
>>>>>>>> [lcr_carrier=vitelity,lcr_rate=0.01440]sofia/gateway/vitelity/12148267711
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.644013 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:660 Adding vitelity to
>>>>>>>> end of list
>>>>>>>> 2010-01-30 08:55:10.644013 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:314 Returning
>>>>>>>> Dialstring
>>>>>>>> [lcr_carrier=grnvoip_std,lcr_rate=0.01500]sofia/gateway/grnvoip/YYYY12148267711
>>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 10:42 PM, Mouncif Benniane <<mouncifbb at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> mouncifbb at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > Also the Provider has presented the rates in this format?
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 11:30 PM, Mouncif Benniane <<mouncifbb at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> mouncifbb at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> Tried it and it's not giving me intralata instead I get
>>>>>>>> interstate, does
>>>>>>>> >> the npa_nxx_company_ocn table needs to be used in this case?,
>>>>>>>> also do I have
>>>>>>>> >> to have the rate field in lcr table?
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> lcr 617642 default 6176421212
>>>>>>>> >> | Digit Match | Carrier | Rate | Codec | CID Regexp |
>>>>>>>> Dialstring
>>>>>>>> >> |
>>>>>>>> >> | 617642 | carrier1 | 0.00500 | | |
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> [lcr_carrier=carrier1,lcr_rate=0.00500]sofia/gateway/carrier1/1617642 |
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> 2010-01-29 23:29:45.003307 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:1329 data passed to
>>>>>>>> lcr is
>>>>>>>> >> [617642 default 6176421212]
>>>>>>>> >> 2010-01-29 23:29:45.003307 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:1365 Set Caller ID
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >> [6176421212]
>>>>>>>> >> 2010-01-29 23:29:45.003307 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:786 intra routing
>>>>>>>> [state:0
>>>>>>>> >> lata:0] so rate field is [rate]
>>>>>>>> >> 2010-01-29 23:29:45.003307 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:802 we have an event
>>>>>>>> >> 2010-01-29 23:29:45.003307 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:826 SQL: SELECT
>>>>>>>> l.digits,
>>>>>>>> >> c.carrier_name, l.rate, cg.prefix AS gw_prefix, cg.suffix AS
>>>>>>>> gw_suffix,
>>>>>>>> >> l.lead_strip, l.trail_strip, l.prefix, l.suffix , cg.codec ,
>>>>>>>> l.cid FROM lcr
>>>>>>>> >> l JOIN carriers c ON l.carrier_id=c.id JOIN carrier_gateway cg
>>>>>>>> ON
>>>>>>>> >> c.id=cg.carrier_id WHERE c.enabled = '1' AND cg.enabled = '1'
>>>>>>>> AND l.enabled
>>>>>>>> >> = '1' AND digits IN (617642, 61764, 6176, 617, 61, 6) AND
>>>>>>>> >> BETWEEN date_start AND date_end ORDER BY digits DESC, rate,
>>>>>>>> rand();
>>>>>>>> >> 2010-01-29 23:29:45.003307 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:307 Returning
>>>>>>>> Dialstring
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> [lcr_carrier=carrier1,lcr_rate=0.00500]sofia/gateway/carrier1/1617642
>>>>>>>> >> 2010-01-29 23:29:45.003307 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:615 Adding carrier1
>>>>>>>> to head
>>>>>>>> >> of list
>>>>>>>> >> 2010-01-29 23:29:45.003307 [DEBUG] mod_lcr.c:307 Returning
>>>>>>>> Dialstring
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> [lcr_carrier=carrier1,lcr_rate=0.00500]sofia/gateway/carrier1/1617642
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> Thank you Rupa!
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 7:37 PM, Rupa Schomaker <<rupa at rupa.com>
>>>>>>>> rupa at rupa.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> turn console logging up to debug and redo the lcr lookup. The
>>>>>>>> sql
>>>>>>>> >>> statements along with status info will show up. This should
>>>>>>>> give
>>>>>>>> >>> enough information to debug what is happening.
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> I'm assuming the npanxx table is actually populated and not just
>>>>>>>> >>> existing?
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> When doing the lookup from the cli you have to tell lcr what CID
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>> use (remember, it is relative to the src/dest number). I'm
>>>>>>>> pretty
>>>>>>>> >>> sure you get something on the console log when you don't specify
>>>>>>>> a CID
>>>>>>>> >>> when using the commandline. Anyway:
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> lcr 617642 default 6176421212
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> should give you intralata.
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> Note that the definition of intralata doesn't mean "local" for
>>>>>>>> some
>>>>>>>> >>> providers. Some providers define local to "same ratecenter"
>>>>>>>> which is
>>>>>>>> >>> even more restrictive.
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 4:43 PM, Mouncif Benniane <<mouncifbb at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> mouncifbb at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> >>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> >>> > i can't make use of mod_lcr using Intra/Interstate rating, I
>>>>>>>> am using
>>>>>>>> >>> > svn: FreeSWITCH Version 1.0.trunk (16517)
>>>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>> >>> > lcr mysql table structure:
>>>>>>>> >>> > CREATE TABLE `lcr` (
>>>>>>>> >>> > `id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `digits` VARCHAR(15) DEFAULT NULL,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `rate` FLOAT(11,5) DEFAULT NULL,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `intrastate_rate` FLOAT(11,5) DEFAULT NULL,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `intralata_rate` FLOAT(11,5) DEFAULT NULL,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `carrier_id` INT(11) NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `lead_strip` INT(11) NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `trail_strip` INT(11) NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `prefix` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `suffix` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `lcr_profile` VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT NULL,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `date_start` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-01
>>>>>>>> 00:00:00',
>>>>>>>> >>> > `date_end` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '2030-12-31 00:00:00',
>>>>>>>> >>> > `quality` FLOAT(10,6) NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `reliability` FLOAT(10,6) NOT NULL,
>>>>>>>> >>> > `cid` VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
>>>>>>>> >>> > `enabled` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
>>>>>>>> >>> > PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
>>>>>>>> >>> > KEY `carrier_id` (`carrier_id`),
>>>>>>>> >>> > KEY `digits` (`digits`),
>>>>>>>> >>> > KEY `lcr_profile` (`lcr_profile`),
>>>>>>>> >>> > KEY `digits_profile_cid_rate` USING BTREE (`digits`),
>>>>>>>> >>> > CONSTRAINT `carrier_id` FOREIGN KEY (`carrier_id`)
>>>>>>>> >>> > `carriers`
>>>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>> >>> > lcr_admin show profiles
>>>>>>>> >>> > Name: default
>>>>>>>> >>> > custom sql: SELECT l.digits, c.carrier_name,
>>>>>>>> l.${lcr_rate_field},
>>>>>>>> >>> > cg.prefix AS gw_prefix, cg.suffix AS gw_suffix, l.lead_strip,
>>>>>>>> >>> > l.trail_strip,
>>>>>>>> >>> > l.prefix, l.suffix , cg.codec , l.cid FROM lcr l JOIN carriers
>>>>>>>> c ON
>>>>>>>> >>> > l.carrier_id=c.id JOIN carrier_gateway cg ON c.id=cg.carrier_id
>>>>>>>> WHERE
>>>>>>>> >>> > c.enabled = '1' AND cg.enabled = '1' AND l.enabled = '1' AND
>>>>>>>> digits IN
>>>>>>>> >>> > (${lcr_query_expanded_digits}) AND CURRENT_TIMESTAMP BETWEEN
>>>>>>>> date_start
>>>>>>>> >>> > AND
>>>>>>>> >>> > date_end ORDER BY digits DESC, ${lcr_rate_field}, quality
>>>>>>>> DESC,
>>>>>>>> >>> > reliability DESC, rand();
>>>>>>>> >>> > has %: false
>>>>>>>> >>> > has vars: true
>>>>>>>> >>> > has intrastate: true
>>>>>>>> >>> > has intralata: true
>>>>>>>> >>> > has npanxx: true
>>>>>>>> >>> > Reorder rate: enabled
>>>>>>>> >>> > Info in headers: disabled
>>>>>>>> >>> > Quote IN() List: disabled
>>>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>> >>> > lcr 617642 default returns rate from the rate field table
>>>>>>>> and not
>>>>>>>> >>> > intra/inter state fields rates.
>>>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>> >>> > Any ideas? thanks!
>>>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>> >>> > _______________________________________________
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>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> --
>>>>>>>> >>> -Rupa
>>>>>>>> >>>
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> -Rupa
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>>>>>> -Rupa
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>>>> --
>>>> -Rupa
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>> --
>> -Rupa
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> --
> -Rupa
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