[Freeswitch-users] mod lcr

Rafqat . rafonline at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 30 19:22:10 MSK 2010


I am using mod lcr with mod nibble, my example LCR invocation returns the following in lcr_auto_route: 

[lcr_carrier=carrier2,lcr_rate=0.12000,nibble_account=12345,nibble_rate=0.24000,lowbal_amt=0.1,nobal_amt=0]sofia/external/01 at proxy.carrier2.net:5060|[lcr_carrier=carrier1,lcr_rate=0.15000,nibble_account=12345,nibble_rate=0.30000,lowbal_amt=0.1,nobal_amt=0]sofia/gateway/carrier1/$1

I was wondering if there is a quick method of accessing the nibble_rate field, so I can give callers an estimate of how long they before bridging their call?  I was hoping for some session variable to be populated by lcr to give easy access to this field. 

Any help will be appreciated




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