[Freeswitch-users] core.db table channels application field store wrong data when executing voicemail

Michael Collins msc at freeswitch.org
Mon Aug 23 08:58:45 PDT 2010

> Do you need it in realtime or after the call? mod_xml_cdr contains the
> callflow, I don't know whether that can be accessed during a call though.
> ESL events will give you that information I believe.

The event socket will give you all sorts of information. In fact, every time
a channel changes state or executes a dialplan app you can get an event. If
you truly needed something that watches the state of every active channel
then the event socket (and ESL, naturally) would certainly fit the bill.
It's more work than just waiting for the XML CDR after the call is over, of

FreeSWITCH gives you the hooks and tools to do it either way - it's just a
matter of choosing the ones that fit your needs.

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