[Freeswitch-users] Manage call from Event Socket inbound

Michael Jerris mike at jerris.com
Sat Apr 24 12:01:19 PDT 2010

Try changing the following line (3119 in head) from mod_dptools.c

SWITCH_ADD_APP(app_interface, "park", "Park", "Park", park_function, "", SAF_NONE); 


SWITCH_ADD_APP(app_interface, "park", "Park", "Park", park_function, "", SAF_SUPPORT_NOMEDIA);

I glanced at the park code and it seems to handle no media okay, but you will need to test it out to be sure there are not any edge cases where this is not the case or look closer through switch_ivr_park in switch_ivr.c to confirm.  If this all seems to be good, feel free to send us a patch to jira.freeswitch.org to make this change.


On Apr 22, 2010, at 12:46 PM, Jose Fco. Irles wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to manage calls from the Event Socket in inbound mode, connecting to freeswitch and waiting for events and sending commands.
> I don't know how to sleep the call until my logic executes a action in this new call.
> I've tried to park the call with this in the dialplan:
>   <extension name="my_park">
>     <condition field="destination_number" expression="^.+$">
>       <action application="park"/>
>     </condition>
>   </extension>
> but freeswitch "pre answers" the call and my sip client receives a "183 Session progress". I want the the call to wait in "100 Trying" until my logic execute something for the new call.
> In outbound mode this works well, when the dialplan executes the "socket" application, the call waits in "100 Trying".
> I prefer to make this in inbound mode because it's more scalable and simple than build a tcp server and manage the calls in outbound mode. However in outbound mode I need inbound mode for some things.

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