[Freeswitch-users] Method to force a transfer of A-Leg

Steven Ward steve.d.ward at gmail.com
Wed Apr 21 07:09:15 PDT 2010

Hello all,

I have a lua script running that checks the state of a call between A and B
- the call between A and B was set up through a Polycom's attended transfer
feature, so A itself didn't necessarily execute the bridge to B.

A gets early media from B.  After a certain amount of time, if A is still
getting early media, I want the script to end that call between A and B, and
send A through some specific dialplan.

How does uuid_transfer work for this goal?  I'd like to kill B and move A to
specific dialplan.  I don't want B to be in the transfer at all.

I know there may be many possibilities here; I'm just wondering if anyone
can recommend something.  Thanks.

- Steve
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