[Freeswitch-users] skill-based ACD

Andrew Thompson andrew at hijacked.us
Mon Sep 21 09:56:01 PDT 2009

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 08:42:40PM +0200, Remko Kloosterman wrote:
> This actually sounds very good Andrew. You even have an agent interface.
> Do you have plans for a outbound campaign dialer? I know of a commercial
> dialer that is good in it's predictive algotithm, but very bad when it
> comes to campaign management.

I don't have plans for an 'autodialer' in the traditional sense but I do
have plans for some sort of campaign dialer - the idea is to use an API
to load numbers to be called into a queue and the agents will just pop
those stub calls off the queue and then the system will originate the
call to the indicated number. This does mean that you'll be wasting
agent time on voicemail/ringouts/whatever but hopefully you'll piss less
people off. In addition, then you can farm out the system that decides
the numbers to be called and in which order to an external system.

An autodialer would certainly be possible under the current system, I
just don't really care to implement one. Patches accepted, although
really an autodialer might be better off remaining a binary-only module
add-on (to prevent the doing of evil becoming too cheap :) ).

And yes, to my knowledge it will remain under an open-source license for
the forseeable future.


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