[Freeswitch-users] shared mailbox, mwi

Frank Carmickle frank at carmickle.com
Wed Sep 16 01:01:28 PDT 2009


I am trying to set up a shared mailbox per group of extensions where the mailboxes are [2-9][2-9][0,2,4,6,8]0 and the phones are [2-9][2-9]\d[1-9].  I mostly have it working except I can't seem to figure out how to get mwi for the phones in the group.  I've tried a number of things.  I haven't figured out how you can have a mailbox that doesn't have a user associated with it.  When I use <variable name="sip-force-user" value="9200"/> I get the mwi but I am not able to call that user any more.  I have <variable name="mailbox" value="9200"/> set for each user.

What are my options for making this scenario work?

Thank you

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