[Freeswitch-users] Help Freeswitch with Voipuser Gateway

Michael Collins msc at freeswitch.org
Mon Nov 23 16:28:08 PST 2009

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Otis <abeka at greatiam.com> wrote:

> Has anyone got any suggestion how I can set up a gateway to receive
> incoming call on extension 1001 please.
> Any generic conf file will do. my username with my gateway is s=say  "
> qwerty" and password "ytrewq"
> I have used the intruction from the link below without success.
> Thanks.
Get a debug log of an incoming call. Most likely it is hitting the public
context and you don't have it properly routed. Look in
conf/dialplan/public.xml for an example of how to route to a specific
extension. Another example is in conf/dialplan/public/00_inbound_did.xml.
The trick is to know what to match on in your condition tag. In a pinch you
could route all incoming calls to the info app and then make a test call to
see what's coming down the line. Just be sure to turn it off when you're
done testing!!
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