[Freeswitch-users] Busy tone and text message configuration

chenexyee exyeechen at hotmail.com
Tue May 5 22:22:08 PDT 2009

Hi all

I'm not familiar with the configuration for freeswitch.

Anyone who could help me sovle the following two problem:


1. user A is in conversation with user B, and at this time, a incoming call from user C comes to A, in this case, I want freeswitch to play busytone to C, how to configure?


2. I'd like freeswitch to relay text message(use sip),as below scenario:



        |   message(text/plain) ------>      |       message(text/plain) ------> |

        |  <-------------200 OK               |        <-------------200 OK        | 

        |                                              |                                              |


 To implement above case, does need any special configure for freeswitch?



Appreciate your help in advance.





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