[Freeswitch-users] DTMF recognition flaky

Jason White jason at jasonjgw.net
Fri May 8 18:38:48 PDT 2009

Rupa Schomaker <rupa at rupa.com> wrote:
> Sound bugish to me - or at least not desired behavior.
> I'd suggest opening up a jira (jira.freeswitch.org) with as much
> documentation as you have so it can be researched and resolved.

If someone could add it to Jira, I'll detail the issue here. The Jira Web
interface is a problem for me, and it doesn't seem to allow submissions by
e-mail or in other ways.

Basically, the problem is that RFC2833 DTMF isn't sent to the other side if a
jitterbuffer is set in the dial plan extension for the outbound call with
<action application="set" data="jitterbuffer_msec=180"/>
and the call originates from my SIP phone (a Snom 320).

The FreeSWITCH logs show that do_2833() in switch_rtp.c isn't called in this

I'll gladly provide further details if and when anyone has a chance to
investigate, assuming that it isn't desired behaviour (which in my opinion it

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