[Freeswitch-users] Force SIP UA to pick up call during ringing?

Peter P GMX Prometheus001 at gmx.net
Mon Jun 15 17:19:57 PDT 2009

I have managed to have a realtme status of a phone on a web page with
event_socket and a push service to the web bowser.

What I am now trying to do is roughly the following:

    * when a call comes in, a flashing banner appears on the web page
      with an underlying link (this works so far)
    * when the user klicks on this flashing banner, the external SIP UA
      which is already ringing, shall pick up the call.

I know that it's possible to autoanswer a call with the intercom
feature. Also the SIP client X-Lite which we use here is able to
autoanswer a call.
I however want to manually decide when the UA takes the call with the
following workflow:

    * X-Lite rings on incoming call
    * user klicks on the flashing banner
    * X-Lite takes the call

What is the best way to have this done? Move the call to park and then
retransfer again with intercom, or is there a better solution?

Best regards

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