[Freeswitch-users] Possible to initiate multiple skype interfaces with the same id?

Jingwei Yang jingwei.yang at gmail.com
Sun Jun 14 19:29:24 PDT 2009

Hi Team,

As the subject indicates, is there a possible way to do that?

I've tried setting up two different skype instances with the same id in

    /usr/bin/Xvfb :101 -auth
/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/skypiax.X.conf &
    su root -c "/bin/echo '*userAAA* aaa'| DISPLAY=:101 /usr/bin/skype
--pipelogin &"

    /usr/bin/Xvfb :102 -auth
/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/skypiax.X.conf &
    su root -c "/bin/echo '*userAAA *aaa'| DISPLAY=:102 /usr/bin/skype
--pipelogin &"

The script can be run without any error and when I executed the ps command,
I noticed there's only one skype process up. This is strange since normally
there will be two (with two different ids)

    3782 pts/1    00:00:00 Xvfb
    3793 pts/1    00:00:00 dbus-launch
    3800 pts/1    00:00:04 Xvfb
    3805 pts/1    00:00:03 *skype*
    3811 pts/1    00:00:00 dbus-launch

Then I started freeswitch and hit an error when loading mod_skypiax:

*freeswitch at localhost.localdomain> load mod_skypiax
2009-06-15 10:00:52 [WARNING] mod_skypiax.c:950 load_config() rev
13600[(nil)|37     ][WARNINGA  950  ][skypiax1  ][-1, 0, 0] STARTING
2009-06-15 10:00:52 [ERR] skypiax_protocol.c:1184 X11_errors_handler() rev
13600[(nil)|37     ][ERRORA  1184 ][none      ][-1,-1,-1] Received error
code 3 from X Server

2009-06-15 10:00:52 [ERR] skypiax_protocol.c:1251 skypiax_send_message() rev
13600[(nil)|37     ][ERRORA  1251 ][none      ][-1,-1,-1] Sending message
failed with status 3
2009-06-15 10:00:52 [ERR] skypiax_protocol.c:1184 X11_errors_handler() rev
13600[(nil)|37     ][ERRORA  1184 ][none      ][-1,-1,-1] Received error
code 3 from X Server

2009-06-15 10:00:52 [ERR] skypiax_protocol.c:1251 skypiax_send_message() rev
13600[(nil)|37     ][ERRORA  1251 ][none      ][-1,-1,-1] Sending message
failed with status 3
2009-06-15 10:00:53 [NOTICE] mod_skypiax.c:976 load_config() rev
13600[(nil)|37     ][NOTICA  976  ][skypiax1  ][-1, 0, 0] WAITING roughly 10
seconds to find a running Skype client and connect to its SKYPE API for
2009-06-15 10:00:53 [NOTICE] mod_skypiax.c:986 load_config() rev
13600[(nil)|37     ][NOTICA  986  ][skypiax1  ][-1, 0, 0] Found a running
Skype client, connected to its SKYPE API for interface_id=1, waiting 60
API CALL [load(mod_skypiax)] output:
-ERR [module load file routine returned an error]

2009-06-15 10:00:53 [ERR] mod_skypiax.c:1010 load_config() rev
13600[(nil)|37     ][ERRORA  1010 ][skypiax1  ][-1, 0, 0] The Skype client
to which we are connected FAILED to gave us CURRENTUSERHANDLE=userAAA,
interface_id=1 FAILED to start. No Skype client logged in as 'userAAA' has
been found. Please (re)launch a Skype client logged in as 'userAAA'. Skypiax
exiting now
2009-06-15 10:00:53 [CRIT] switch_loadable_module.c:871
switch_loadable_module_load_file() Error Loading module
**Module load routine returned an error**

Please enlighten whether it's possible to start multiple skype instances
with the same skype id. If possible, what are the correct configs?

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