[Freeswitch-users] More troubles with SQLAlchemy and mod_python

Brian Deacon bdeacon at highergear.com
Thu Jan 29 10:01:56 PST 2009

On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 19:16 -0800, Michael S Collins wrote:

> > (Note the commented out sqlalchemy import.  Uncommenting the import  
> > gets
> > me an "error importing module" or "error reloading module" in the  
> > fs_cli
> > output)
> >
> > Oooh, and just now trying to reproduce I got my first crash.
> >
> > Thoughts?
> >
> Use Lua? ;)
> Seriously, Lua is a breeze to learn and is more stable than Python.  
> Python is *not* designed to be embedded however Lua is designed  
> precisely for that reason. Think WoW.
> Other than that I believe that your experiences with Python might help  
> the devs uncover more issues. Please visit the "reporting bugs" page  
> on the wiki and start collecting the information that will help them  
> solve this one.

[Insert Smedley-cursing here.]
Hmm, I think an investment in Lua here is going to be a hard sell.
Would you expect the JavaScript implementation to be as robust as the
Lua implementation? (And then I'll need to eliminate my ignorance on
what javascript can do with databases when it's not sandboxed by a

I'll see if I can dig up a usable stack trace for the python problem.
My gdb-fu is weak.


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