[Freeswitch-users] is there an event for SIP MESSAGE?

Cavalera Claudio Luigi Claudio.Cavalera at italtel.it
Thu Jan 29 03:40:52 PST 2009

freeswitch-users-bounces at lists.freeswitch.org wrote:
> I am sorry to see that your e-mail is confidential.  If it
> were not, I would have responded to tell you that there is already an
> api command
> to send chat messages in a protocol agnostic way (see
> http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Misc._Dialplan_Tools_chat)
> .  In the future if you can send non-confidential emails to the list
> it will greatly assist us in being able to respond to your questions.
> Mike

Mike thanks for the hint,
I've tested this api and works well for sip messages!
It's an effective alternative to the sendevent SEND_MESSAGE api. 
As I sad before I can't do much to control my mail client because
confidentially footer are put in my exchange server.
If this is a problem I can subscribe to the list with an unofficial mail

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