[Freeswitch-users] My fs_cli stopped working, can you help me please?

Milena testeador01 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 09:41:00 PST 2009

On a second thought...

it would be nice if the console showed a message when there is a wrong
password, something more descriptive than just doing nothing,
also it is not clear to me why the console didn't require me to put the
password before i deleted that folder's content even knowing that i changed
my password a long time ago.

well, thank you all :)

1/26 Milena <testeador01 at gmail.com>

> thanks ^^
> 2009/1/26 Mathieu Rene <mrene_lists at avgs.ca>
> Loos like the wrong password to me, look in
>> /usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/event_socket.conf.xml and use
>> fs_cli -p [pass]
>> Mathieu
>> On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 8:33 AM, Milena <testeador01 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Good morning
>>> Ok, here is what i get from the console, do you know what can i do to fix
>>> it? thank you very much
>>> -bash-3.2# /usr/local/freeswitch/bin/fs_cli -d 7
>>> [DEBUG] libs/esl/src/esl_config.c:56 esl_config_open_file() Configuration
>>> file is /root/.fs_cli_conf.
>>> [DEBUG] libs/esl/src/esl_config.c:56 esl_config_open_file() Configuration
>>> file is /etc/fs_cli.conf.
>>> [DEBUG] libs/esl/fs_cli.c:573 main() profile default does not exist using
>>> builtin profile
>>> [DEBUG] libs/esl/fs_cli.c:597 main() Using profile internal []
>>> [DEBUG] libs/esl/src/esl.c:700 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER
>>> [Content-Type] = [auth/request]
>>> [DEBUG] libs/esl/src/esl.c:833 esl_recv_event() RECV MESSAGE
>>> Content-Type: [auth/request]
>>> [DEBUG] libs/esl/src/esl.c:853 esl_send() SEND
>>> auth ClueCon
>>> [DEBUG] libs/esl/src/esl.c:700 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER
>>> [Content-Type] = [command/reply]
>>> [DEBUG] libs/esl/src/esl.c:700 esl_recv_event() RECV HEADER [Reply-Text]
>>> = [-ERR invalid]
>>> [DEBUG] libs/esl/src/esl.c:833 esl_recv_event() RECV MESSAGE
>>> Content-Type: [command/reply]
>>> Reply-Text: [-ERR invalid]
>>> [ERROR] libs/esl/fs_cli.c:610 main() Error Connecting [Connection Error]
>>> -bash-3.2#
>>> Anthony Minessale wrote:
>>>> Try running
>>>> fs_cli -d 7
>>>> Maybe the debug log will shed some light.
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