[Freeswitch-users] vmd /garbled messages

Kristian Kielhofner kristian.kielhofner at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 19:30:28 PST 2009

On 1/8/09, Adam Wilt <wiltingtree at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I have two issues I'd appreciate some help with.
> A) I'm testing VMD and I'm getting a success rate of well under 50%. I know
> part of the reason is that some of the voicemail beeps it's encountering are
> very short in length (I've noticed this for T-Mobile and Sprint voicemails,
> and there may be others too), and it can't detect them.  So my question is
> about the notes in the vmd section of the wiki which states, "The industry
> standard is 80% detection. This module if used properly should exceeds the
> standard by a very wide margin".  I'm curious about whether I'm using it
> properly, and what I can do to make it work better.  Thanks for the help.
> B) When I place an outbound call and immediately play a prompt when the call
> is answered, the prompt sounds garbled to the person answering the phone. If
> I sleep for a second before playing the prompt, it sounds fine.  Any idea of
> what would cause this?
> Thanks,
> Adam


  Can I ask how you are "testing" vmd?  Where?  How?

Kristian Kielhofner

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