[Freeswitch-users] Understandig context

kriko kristjan.ugrin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 04:32:13 PST 2009


I'm a bit confused how sofia profiles works.
If I did understood correctly it is something like this:
the param <param name="context" value="extern"/> inside a external sofia profile will force
to process calls via extern context (e.g. dialplan/extern.xml).

Then if I use <param name="context" value="gmail"/> inside my jingle profile, will force calls
from the specific gtalk account to be processed via gtalk context.
This works fine.

But when examining both internal and external default sofia profiles, they have:
<param name="context" value="public"/>

However when making a call between two local registered sip phones it seems to use other dialplan:
2009-01-08 13:26:19 [INFO] mod_dialplan_xml.c:233 dialplan_hunt() Processing 1003->1001 in context default

Why it uses default instead of public context?

And if you have one local (5060) and one external (5080) sip phone, when you make a call between them,
which dialplan should be executed in this case?


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