[Freeswitch-users] FS SIP audio quality?

kokoska rokoska kokoska.rokoska at post.cz
Tue Feb 17 05:42:31 PST 2009

David Knell napsal(a):
> There's a long history of people in A/B listening tests reporting louder 
> as sounding
> better on the same source material - even if the additional volume isn't 
> detectable
> as such.

Yes, you are right :-) And therefor a lot of (nearly all of) European
TelCo operator (TDM, not VoIP) normalize their messages to -3 dB instead
of -6 dB.
And one of them (yes, you guess it right, it is Telefonica O2 :-)
normalize recordings to 0 dB. And it is VERY loud :-)

Best regards,


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