[Freeswitch-users] Adding a third person to an ongoing conversation by dialing DTMF

Shahal Hazan shahal at jajah.com
Sat Feb 14 23:47:10 PST 2009

I would to add a third person to an ongoing conversation (between two SIP callers for example) by dialing a DTMF.
The DTMF can be as simple as 1 or 2 or 3 to add a predefined person: person1 or person2 or person3 respectively.
What is the best way to accomplish that?

1)      Receiving the DTMF:
After I added:
<action application="start_dtmf" />
I wasn't able to receive the DTMF on a non IVR call (I only got the IVR examples to work)
Can I capture the DTMF in JS?

2)      Adding the third person:

a.       Creating a conference on the fly and adding the third person?

b.      Bridging  the third person?

c.       Using an API to "originate" a new call added to the current call?

d.      Creating a predefined group and adding members from that group per caller's choice?

Shahal Hazan

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