[Freeswitch-users] segfault when shoutcast plays mp3 and extension hangs up

Andy Spitzer woof at nortel.com
Thu Feb 12 14:34:58 PST 2009


On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 17:20:18 -0500, Anthony Minessale <anthony.minessale at gmail.com> wrote:

> So I wonder what about the distro you are using that makes the same exact code not work?
> maybe the GCC ?

Possibly.  A recent (last year?) GCC change caused some order of operations to change, and so code that inadvertently relied on the previous behavior doesn't work any more.  The "c standard" doesn't define many of the orders, and some code may have side effects that depend on one way or the other without realizing it.

I discovered this the hard way last year some time.


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