[Freeswitch-users] Couple of questions

Matt Riddell matt at venturevoip.com
Sun Aug 23 16:27:56 PDT 2009


I don't see how I can read some responses to command using esl.

I.E. esl_send_recv(&handle, "api show calls count\n\n");


printf("Header Test %s\n", esl_event_get_header(event, "API-Command"));
printf("Body Test %s\n", esl_event_get_body(event));

the header details are returned.

The body is null.

Also, I can originate a call and set the account code for it, but how do 
I get a list of calls with their account codes?

Do I get a list of calls then go through them one by one and get the 
variables for those calls by uuid?

Does anyone have any documentation for the esl api?

Even if I could read some comments from a usage of it would be useful.


Matt Riddell

http://www.venturevoip.com/news.php (Daily Asterisk News)
http://www.venturevoip.com/st.php (SmoothTorque Predictive Dialer)
http://www.venturevoip.com/c3.php (ConduIT3 PABX Systems)

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