[Freeswitch-users] failover based on initial INVITE timeout

Mathieu Rene mrene_lists at avgs.ca
Tue Aug 18 11:32:59 PDT 2009


originate_timeout does exactly what it is supposed to do, cancel the  
new call if originate doesnt return within X seconds.
In my opinion, I would keep state wether the gateway is alive or not,  
and have a reasonable t1x64 timeout value (5000 should be enough).
This way it'll only timeout the first time the call is attempted.

Mathieu Rene
Avant-Garde Solutions Inc
Office: + 1 (514) 664-1044 x100
Cell: +1 (514) 664-1044 x200
mrene at avgs.ca

On 18-Aug-09, at 2:24 PM, Hristo Trendev wrote:

> TCP is not really an option for me. I have tried using different sofia
> profile for that and set:
> <param name="timer-T1X64" value="1000" />
> This works the way I want and INVITEs to dead gateways are
> disconnected with [RECOVERY_ON_TIMER_EXPIRE], but:
> 1. It affects all calls sent via this "custom timer" profile
> 2. I need to use one more SIP port to bind to (I need keep the
> "default timers" profile as well)
> 3. The timer is used by transactions other than the initial invite
> message and that may cause unexpected problems.
> Obviously originate_timeout doesn't work the way it's supposed to
> (according to the wiki) so I will report it as bug.
> The profile trick above actually solves my problem and may happen to
> be a better solution after all, but I will need to test it for some
> time before I know.
> On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:00 PM, Brian West<brian at freeswitch.org>  
> wrote:
>> use TCP then if you get an ICMP unreachable it'll move on instantly.
>> /b
>> On Aug 18, 2009, at 12:48 PM, Hristo Trendev wrote:
>>> progress_timeout will wait for media (tried it, but I don't need
>>> that). I want to detect the case when the destination gateway is  
>>> down
>>> and there is no response (not even 100, 407, etc) to the initial
>>> INVITE sent by FS.
>>> According to the wiki, this is exactly what originate_timeout is  
>>> used
>>> for. Actually the wiki gives as example for originate_timeout  
>>> exactly
>>> what I'm trying to accomplish.
>>> It seems to me that FS ignores 100 and alike messages, which are  
>>> sent
>>> as response to initial INVITE and doesn't cancel originate_timeout
>>> timer if such message is received.
>>> The more I look into this, the more I start to think that it's a  
>>> bug.
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