[Freeswitch-users] no RTP send during Voice Mail recording

kokoska rokoska kokoska.rokoska at post.cz
Thu Apr 23 22:40:14 PDT 2009

Anthony Minessale napsal(a):
> it's nothing to do with vad, it's simply how FS works.
> It's a waste to encode and send zeros into the channel while it's recording.
> Also, It's unreasonable to have such a short timeout.
> I understand it's not your fault, I am just letting you know.
> It would be possible to add a patch to create a channel variable like
> NDLB_waste_bandwidth_while_recording or something but it does not exist
> today.

I'd like to ask: Are there any plans to implement such feature/variable,
or I'm the only one who needs it?

Best regards,


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