[Freeswitch-users] Stopping recording and playing wav files and explicit one way audio?

Peter P GMX Prometheus001 at gmx.net
Thu Oct 9 04:53:02 PDT 2008

I have another 3 Questions. I know I had already 2 before within the
last 15 minutes, but I need to qualify whether we can build this special
app with freeswitch or not.

The questions are:
When I do a uuid_playback I want to be able to stop this playback #1
immediately. My Idea is that I may send an empty playback file #2 next
e.g. with a length of e.g. 0.1 seconds. Does file #2 stop playback of
file#1? What happens, if I transfer the file via uuid_transfer to
another extension while a file is playing. Is the file then still being
played to the incoming leg or does it stop plaing (my whish)?

I wan to manually stop recording in mod_voicemail. Via uuid_transfer I
may transfer the call away from  mod_voicemail to a next available
agent. The question is: Is the recording still stored and available
although I unbridged the recording just in the middle? I would think so
as I would expect the same behaviour with a normal hangup, but can
anyone confirm?

3) Is it possible to bridge a call in a way that UA1 can hear UA2 and
UA2 cannot hear UA1 (one way audio)?

Thank you so much for an answer. I promise I'll update the wiki with
your answers.


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